The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning, brings new opportunities and challenges for creators of online courses.
What we can see is that personal development and other informational courses will be heavily impacted.
If you have tested or watched a demo of ChatGPT or one of the other AI programs you may have been dazzled by the speed and efficiency of this technology. But there are some weaknesses beneath the surface that you need to be aware of.
Ask Google, they know. And it was all over the news. An answer by Bard during a promotional launch was incorrect. Google shares dropped $100 BILLION in market value in one afternoon.
Table of Contents
I was in a webinar recently and the host shared a demo of ChatGPT. He gave a bit of background and then showed the attendees how quickly the program could spit out all aspects of creating and marketing a program. In less than five minutes, There was a good start on the program including the outline, a sales page, a video sales page, emails, and more.
Having been working with AI and studying it, I wanted to interrupt the bedazzled students and scream— wait.
Fortunately, I bit my tongue. He had it planned to dazzle them just like all AI bots are trying to do to you.
The problem is these bots can’t discriminate the value or accuracy of the information they pull from the worldwide internet. All they can do is gather and regurgitate. And ChatGPT is the best I’ve seen. It tries to achieve tone, innuendo, and style. But it can’t validate and emotion isn't something a bot can create. There are already many cases of documented inaccuracies, poor to mediocre information, and even plagiarism.
Did you know the bots don’t document where they got the information in what they provide you? That wasn’t built into their programming. And that’s where the human touch is essential. Anything used as created by a bot has a high risk for errors of various kinds. If the human creating the offer can’t discern what is accurate or what is false, the course sets up the students for disappointment.
The word will get around quickly that they don’t get what they had paid for and the value of that course will plummet, dragging other similar offers down with it.
So use extreme caution when depending on AI for any topic outside your area of expertise.
This also means you have an opportunity to really set your program apart and have more students come to you for results that don’t disappoint.
This guide will share how to effectively target your audience and maximize enrollment in your course by understanding the latest trends and impacts of AI technology so you can circumvent them and build ongoing success.
Any course created using the speed and technology of AI will get a result directly related to how well the human working with them, knows their topic.
If you want a great reputation and business success, focus on what you specialize in and your strengths in that niche. In other words, focus on areas where you can use the bot to get started but then take over the helm.
You need to quickly be able to determine what it provided is fact and what needs to be replaced.
Here are three considerations to set you apart from AI-generated mediocrity.
You need to do it in a way AI can’t do. Then it needs to be compelling, current, relevant, and audience specific. And finally, it needs the aspect of personal interaction. Again something AI can’t do. Meeting with you directly so you can mentor and share your expertise sets you far apart from the mudhole of AI-dependent information.
As an instructor of a personal development course in the AI world, it’s important to remember that relevant, quality, laser-targeted content is important. However, if you want to shine in a sea of muddy misinformation, you want to do things differently.
People frustrated with AI generated sewage quality content, are, and will be, looking for alternatives.
So instead, connect in ways AI can’t do. Include emotion, expertise, great storytelling with dialogue, and a live or virtual connection. Connecting with potential students directly on an emotional and human level will set you apart because AI just can’t do that.
This will also make for better search engine placement because it provides the things Google Bots are looking for.
It will boost course enrolment and engagement. At the same time, it positions you as an experienced leader in the field. Use stories, anecdotes, and other personalized techniques to make your message more powerful. Videos, virtual discussions, and social media chat rooms are all important ways to engage.
Targeted content is a great way to increase engagement with your course and reach potential students.
Make sure it is up to date with the latest findings as your expertise sees them. Ensure you are tuned into your specific audience using their word choices, pain points, and the transformation or outcome they are seeking.
Tailoring your course content to the interests of your preferred audience will help create more compelling marketing material for them. Additionally, understanding AI trends and incorporating the latest findings or discoveries into your course can help make your learning materials more unique and engaging.
Saying that, when AI researches it doesn’t look at dates. It looks at everything available. So for the best content, consider using both AI and more mature resources like Google Search.
Use multi-media. Incorporate videos, voiceovers, group coaching sessions, and some form of interactive social engagement. All of these set you apart from the AI generated sludge.
Make sure to include relevant keywords to ensure users searching for courses in your niche find yours easily.
Making personal connections is key to marketing your personal development course. AI may be able to provide people with facts and figures, but it doesn’t have the ability to relate on a personal level.
Use social media, comment sections in your course, and other forms of direct targeting to engage current students and reach potential students.
Build relationships through conversations, networking events, and other activities to become more visible in your field. Creating an authentic connection with lots of opportunities to engage and connect will provide your potential students with the assurance that you understand their needs.
These engagements will provide them resources they need to succeed in their course and share their success with others. They become your influencers and micro-marketers.
Confused, overwhelmed, and need help? Message me: [email protected]
You might also find this article on ways to put AI to work for you of interest.
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