Do Good...Drive Traffic

Do Good, drive traffic by sharing

It’s really true. When you do good, it has rewards.  Right now, offering something good,  something helpful can get increased traffic. It can also strengthen your bond with prospects and existing clients.

About a week ago a friend sent me a marketing email with a "Do Good" headline similar to that and it really made me think.  She shared a quick story about how she’d received an email with a link to a resource list.  

The list was very comprehensive and not only talked about resources this company offered but also other company’s offerings.  The quality of the list was excellent and diverse. Plus... bonus...Every company listed was offering Covid-19 discounts.  

She like most people is also very money conscious right now and that every company there offered a discount added even more value. She said the list was so great it gave her “warm fuzzies” for a company she had been totally unaware of.

Imagine for a minute if you offered a list like that...

Maybe you sell CBD topicals.  In addition to those you might share resources to 

  • Learn more about CBD
  • CBD ingestible products
  • Fitness at home how-to - who’s streaming home help?
  • Stress management audios like Calm.  
  • Tricks and tips for a better night’s sleep

And many quality companies are offering discounts right now to stimulate sales and help people who are suddenly unemployed.

Wow.  Who wouldn’t want that combination?

Help with stress, pain, anxiety, sleep in a crisis.

As a CBD user and someone who is coping with stress, arthritis, and some restless nights, I’d want to see the list!  

As a content marketer, I love how it makes your brand a hero...a helpful trusted resource.  Do good and get rewarded.

The Halo Effect is real my friends.

Keep in mind you’ll want to select companies that you’d share with your family and personal friends. That will offer the highest value and get you the most warm-fuzzies. 

Do good tips...

Here are three tips to help you create value in your list. Make it timely, useful and actionable.

Select companies with thought

Feature your offerings first.  You’re the one putting this out and your readers will expect to see you. So start the list by featuring you, what you offer and what your discount is.

Are they readily available online?  If they are only brick and mortar storefronts, that makes a big problem right now.  People need online resources.  You want to offer timely, useful, and actionable links. If it looks like they are closed for business...skip them.

Does it look like they have stock available?  I know supply chains are getting interrupted, but what help is it if they can’t buy?  

Share why you think they might want to check out the company and a little more in-depth on what they offer.  Keep it informational and conversational, like you were talking with a friend.

Is their website easy to navigate? If you hate using it, why would you recommend it to a friend?

Select for bandwidth

People are struggling on many levels right now, yet they will buy for the same reasons.  Pain, stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, improving overall health, and or fitness.

Your resource list needs to cover all of these with options in each category.  To enhance value include both educational/informational resources and products to purchase. Look for diversity in both. 

In this list...more is better.

If you have affiliates or colleagues include them in your list. Cross-marketing could be beneficial to both of you.  

Make sure your list follows good SEO practices

Your headlines and subheads should be benefit and keyphrase-rich.

You don’t need a ton of words.  It should be quick to scan and focus on the needs of YOUR target reader. Plus, it should be easy to take action.

Reverse engineering can help you flesh out the list.  Think about the questions you get every day.  How can you offer help to your target reader? Use this to add to your list.  

This type of resource-rich page has been around for a long time. It’s a proven strategy that boosts traffic even though it’s not a money-making page in itself.  

You could create the list yourself, have your marketing department do it, or hire a freelancer.  If the thought of creating this type of resource overtaxes your resources, look outside your team. 
I’ve created this type of page for my own business and others. It’s fun to find helpful things to a way that makes your company shine and using content techniques to drive traffic to your website.  For more information:   Contact me by 5/5/2020 to learn about my Covid-19 discount.

Breaking News

Judith Culp Pearson receives three top honors
at the annual Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals in
Ft. Worth, Texas - October 7-9, 2023

Ambassador Award

For Your Continued
Service & Dedication

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In Recognition and Appreciation for Contributions to the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals Member Education October 2023

Speaker Award of Excellence
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