Build CBD Sales with Automated Email

an email series can promote your CBD business
CBD emails work

Automated emails help you turn a prospect into a customer. 

Why? Because you can’t build a relationship in one step. It takes a series of connections to change a casual encounter or connection into a relationship.

Remember the last time you were at an event and met a lot of people?

How many of them are still in your life?

Probably very few.

It takes repeated contacts and a sharing of something to create a relationship.

Valuable information sharing is the basis for most relationships.    

In the CBD industry, most of the business owners I’ve met are concerned about helping others. They are committed to sharing/helping.

Bonding with a prospective buyer via emails, helps you build a relationship that shows you are committed to these goals.

By creating a targeted email series, you get the right message to the right person(s) consistently…

Their future, and yours, is not left to chance. 

You need to stay in touch

Recently, a prospective client reached out to me to help build his business.  He wanted to drive traffic and build his list. 

I asked him about when he was last in touch with his existing list.  Never. 

He had done a promotion with a free download of an app. But he had never been in touch with those people to get their feedback.

“How long ago was that?” 

The reply?  “About six months ago.”

That original group of 100 people who took advantage of his offer are now a group of very cold leads.  He was basically starting over.

When I started in the beauty industry, I was told you can’t count a new person a client until they had been in the clinic three times. 

Today, it takes longer. In some situations, it may take only three to touchpoints. But statistics say five to eight is a good benchmark. 

Automated email series defined…

These are a series of emails created to share value and build a relationship with someone who has shown interest in your CBD products. 

A short series might be three to five emails. But you may also need six to ten to find your magic number.

There is a point of diminishing returns where more messages don’t increase results. Statistically, this has been ten or more.

Once the series of emails are written, they are uploaded into an email scheduler and sent out on a pre-determined schedule. 

It takes work to get them well crafted to obtain your desired goal.  The timing and scheduling are also a bit tricky. But once done…the process is automatic.

An email series needs a plan

The first step in creating your automated email series is to define your goal. With CBD products, the most common goal is bringing them back to your website and make a purchase. 

Some companies offer a discount off an initial order in exchange for the potential client’s email address.

But if the reader hasn’t decided that CBD is right for them, a discount is less likely to work.

Other companies create a guide, reference sheet, or another informative document. The document is a free download, in exchange for the email address.  I see this technique as “priming the pump.”

It shares additional valuable information to guide the reader along their journey to buying.

Generally, the welcome message includes a link to the document or it is attached as a PDF file.

The welcome email is followed by additional emails sharing links or information that the prospect will consider useful and of value. 

Midway in the series is an email with a discount code to trigger the buy.

This is followed by more value and finally a reminder to use their discount before it expires.

Don’t forget to thank them when they do make the purchase.

So the steps are: set a goal, create an outline so you know where your series is going, and then create the content.

Automated Email Frequency is important

You want to stay in touch, but don’t overwhelm or be annoying. 

Once-daily or frequently is friendly.

Too many on the same day is annoying and can earn you an unsubscribe.

For a welcome email series you can send daily or every 2-3 days maximum.  Longer and they may forget you. 

Creating a connected series sound overwhelming?

Writing a series of connected emails that stay on target to accomplish an established goal, isn’t easy.

If it sounds overwhelming, message me. I can help you create a plan that won’t leave your prospects lost out there in the email universe. 

We’ll share your TLC and value information and bring them back to your website to try your CBD.

Breaking News

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In Recognition and Appreciation for Contributions to the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals Member Education October 2023

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