Know how Strong Your B2B Content is Against Competitors?

b2b e-content requires maintenanceDo you sell B2B?

Here are some updated statistics that just came across my desk. They may help you determine the strength of your B2B Content:

1. Company websites are the top digital marketing channel in a national survey.

2. Email is the most effective digital marketing channel: The return on investment is $44.25 for every dollar spent.

3. Companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those without a blog.

4. 87% of surveyed companies put social media in their top five digital marketing channels.

5. 58% used paid search marketing (paid online ads) in their marketing mix.

6. 70% of B2B companies are planning to create more e-content in the coming year.

B2B Content


Your website needs to be easy to read and provides the information different types of viewers want.    The person that will use your product as a different set of goals than the purchasing department or accounting.  In an easily searchable format, you need to provide information each group/person will use to make their buying decision.

Case Studies allow them to see how your product was successful for someone similar.  These success stories let them see how it would feel to use your product.

White papers give them all the technical data on the product. It may also frequently asked questions and how-tos.

Lead acquisition and emails

Your web needs to offer free, useful, relevant information in exchange for the viewer's contact information.  This allows you to send informational emails to guide your prospect through the buying process. They also start building trust with the prospect as they get to know you.

Blog content can tie into bite-size emails or an e-newsletter. It can also be shared on social media like Facebook and LinkedIn.

Social media

Many B2B companies start with great intent to post on Facebook or other social media.  For it to work well, social media requires regular, helpful, relevant posts.  Once a month just doesn't cut it.  Daily posts are important.

If you need assistance with evaluating the health of your digital marketing contact someone who "gets it". Be competitive, relevant, readable, responsive.  541-543-3070  to improve your content and website return on investment.

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