Body•Mind•Soul Studios - Eugene’s premier wellness collective.
Inclusivity is our core.
Our dedicated team of licensed professionals provides quality, custom care across diverse wellness fields in our friendly, welcoming environment.
We help you solve concerns and move forward. Feel empowered, confident, and downright sweet, sassy, or daring.
Feeling frustrated? We help...
We practice the highest standards of care and safety for our clients and our team.
Monday through Saturday by appointment only.
Call us today, xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Inclusivity is our core. In our friendly, welcoming environment, our dedicated team of licensed professionals provide quality, custom care.
We practice the highest standards of care and safety for our clients and our team.
[graphic with overlay displaying the website and phone number. Take them back to the building front with logo or interior reception shot - with happy people]
Monday through Saturday by appointment only 541-344-7789.
Inclusivity is our core. In our friendly, welcoming environment, our dedicated team of licensed professionals provides quality, custom care.
We practice the highest standards of care and safety for our clients and our team.
Monday through Saturday by appointment only Call us at 541-344-7789. Or visit our website
10-12 second radio spots: A/B Test both commercials to see which performs better.
Judith Culp Pearson receives three top honors
at the annual Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals in
Ft. Worth, Texas - October 7-9, 2023