February 8, 2021
Juggling B2B and B2C

Many companies are marketing both to wholesale and consumer customers. In reality, for marketing, B2B and B2C are unique businesses.  Trying to mix them on a single website can send the wrong message and cost you money. You can do anything if you keep it simple. Someone told me that once at a trade show. […]

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January 15, 2021
Customer Service Value Statistics

In a recent article, I shared the importance of customer relationships for 2021. We’re in a world where the competition is fierce. You probably have competitors who have offers similar to yours.  Your key differentiator is likely how you bond with customers. How you take care of them. It’s core to your survival. If you’re […]

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July 6, 2020
Key RAS Triggers Drive Sales - Including CBD

The RAS or reticular activating system in the brain alerts or arouses us. When selling something, tapping into and activating the RAS system is a key way to trigger sales. Think back to your last car purchase… I’ll not quickly forget mine. My 20-year-old car was starting to have reliability issues. While still okay as a […]

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