March 8, 2023
AI vs Human Assistants: Which One Best Wins Your Love?

A virtual assistant is a remote worker who helps businesses stay on top of daily tasks like accounting, scheduling, and managing social media or emails. Today we are seeing a shift and now can compare AI vs human assistants performing the same tasks. The human assistant is an independent contractor or freelancer who works part-time […]

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January 6, 2022
How You Can Use Newsletters to Energize More Business Growth

Newsletters, especially with SEO elements, are a core part of your growth marketing strategy.  Done right with engaging, relevant content, they are something your clients will look forward to getting, opening, and clicking.  They turn new readers into fans and build retention with existing customers. The secret is having the right content for the right […]

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December 3, 2020
How to Quickly Increase Sales by Engaging Women Buyers

Women buyers are magic to drive sales. Nearly 75% identify themselves as the primary buyer in their household. They hold the purse-strings to between 5 and 15 Trillion dollars in spending every year...and that’s just in the US.  And yet, 91% of them feel marketers and companies, don’t understand their needs. That’s a big gap. […]

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May 6, 2020
Halo or Horns...How is Your Business Seen?

Psychologists have understood for years that appearance and positive interactions can create a halo effect across a person and those standing close by.  It works equally across a business. Get one area top-notch and the halo spreads across your brand. Look at Apple’s halo as an example. You’ve probably heard the story about equivalent job […]

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April 29, 2020
Do Good...Drive Traffic

It’s really true. When you do good, it has rewards.  Right now, offering something good,  something helpful can get increased traffic. It can also strengthen your bond with prospects and existing clients. About a week ago a friend sent me a marketing email with a "Do Good" headline similar to that and it really made […]

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April 21, 2020
Building Trust is Essential...

Building trust is an essential part of the buying process. With people staying home, more and more we are dependent on online shopping. We’re dependent on information that we hope is accurate, honest, and transparent.  Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Right now there are scammers on every corner anxious to make a sale.  Building […]

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March 30, 2020
Content Marketing to Connect During a Crisis

It’s no secret we’re in trying times and uncharted waters. And businesses are trying to figure out how to survive. Only a few people alive today that went through the Flu Pandemic of 1918. It killed millions. The good news is medicine and communication systems have come a long way. The first antiviral drug was […]

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March 24, 2020
5 Ways to Retain Customers

It’s not a secret that retaining customers is a good thing.  It can cost up to 25x more to get a new customer than to keep an existing one. So why do you think more companies don’t do it? I think it’s mostly habit. They’re stuck in a hamster wheel.  Patterns and habits, once set, […]

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March 16, 2020
2 Billion Reasons to get Mobile Friendly Now!

On cyber Monday, 2019 over 50% of all sales were made on a smartphone…They topped $2,000,000,000!  And the percentages held throughout the entire week.  What might that mean for your alternative health or CBD business? If you don’t want your business to be left in the dust, it’s important to get mobile-friendly now.  There are […]

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February 24, 2020
Build CBD Sales with Automated Email

Automated emails help you turn a prospect into a customer.  Why? Because you can’t build a relationship in one step. It takes a series of connections to change a casual encounter or connection into a relationship. Remember the last time you were at an event and met a lot of people? How many of them […]

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