February 24, 2023
Attract More Wellness Marketing Success With These 7 Tips

Whether launching or building a wellness-focused business, marketing should be one of the first things on your agenda. It’s where you engage with potential customers and build relationships. From crafting a powerful message and leveraging social media to creating an SEO-friendly website, these seven steps will help you define your goals, offers, and the right […]

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January 6, 2022
How You Can Use Newsletters to Energize More Business Growth

Newsletters, especially with SEO elements, are a core part of your growth marketing strategy.  Done right with engaging, relevant content, they are something your clients will look forward to getting, opening, and clicking.  They turn new readers into fans and build retention with existing customers. The secret is having the right content for the right […]

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November 19, 2020
Psychographics for 2020 and Beyond

When we are trying to improve our customer experience, we need to understand our target audience and what makes them tick. Demographics tell us where they live, their age, and what they earn.  The relatively new region of psychographics analytics tells us why they buy. Psychographics tell us the Why They reveal the customer's interests, […]

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September 4, 2019
SWOT for CBD Marketing Success

SWOT is a great way to see how you stand up against your CBD competition. It’s a tool that everyone should use to make sure they are staying at the top of their game. You may be familiar with the tool, but in case you’re not let’s do a quick overview.  The first part of […]

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July 31, 2019
Grow your business or it will shrink.

There is an old adage that if your business isn’t growing…it’s shrinking. Holding your own doesn’t count… Inflation, overhead, staff all continue to increase. If your revenues aren’t at least keeping up with overhead and expenses, then you’re shrinking. And shrinking is something no business wants. Shrinking leads to a devaluation of the business value, […]

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July 25, 2019
ACCA – 4 Key Reasons to Include Stories…

There are four key reasons you should use stories in your marketing mix. Attention, Connection, Credibility, and Action. They build a bridge between your offer and your reader like nothing else can. Attention... From the time we are small children our parents have read or told us stories. It has been the same since the […]

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July 3, 2019
Know, Like, Trust, Are Keys to Convert Prospects to Customers

In every aspect of our lives, we thrive on connections built on know, like and trust. This is especially true in the Alternate health and wellness niche. Hundreds of companies and influencers are sending messages to potential prospects daily - and that could include yours. Everyone seeks to connect with others. Despite being in the […]

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March 30, 2017
Spa Wellness CombatsStress

Spa Wellness – Essential to Combat Stress   The impact of stress on our lives is accelerating. People need a safety valve... a way to release that stress.  Recently, the Global Wellness Institute reported on the problem and shifts that need to happen. Traditionally the place for pampering, spas have become more. They've become a safe […]

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January 4, 2017
What Makes You Unique?

What Makes You Unique? This is a question many business owners can't answer.  But for business success identifying what makes you unique is critical. Your uniqueness makes you different from your competition. It is your Unique Selling Point, USP. It is the basis for your brand.  You use it for marketing.  It's what you build your business […]

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