April 29, 2020
Do Good...Drive Traffic

It’s really true. When you do good, it has rewards.  Right now, offering something good,  something helpful can get increased traffic. It can also strengthen your bond with prospects and existing clients. About a week ago a friend sent me a marketing email with a "Do Good" headline similar to that and it really made […]

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March 10, 2020
Easy, Useful, & Friendly = Happier Customers

How easy, useful, & friendly is your website? Your article? Your social media post? Each one of these is a touchpoint with customers and prospects.  If you tweak for these three components you’ll grow faster and keep customers coming back. I recently had a client who requested additional content for their website.  So I could […]

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December 16, 2019
Customer Experience - CBD Competitive Edge

Managing all the parts in a fast-growing business like CBD can be a real challenge. Focusing on your CX – Customer Experience can be your competitive differentiator.  Why? Less than half of all businesses deliver a good or better customer experience. If you focus on CX, you’ll have happier, more loyal customers and faster growth. […]

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September 11, 2019
Disney Does One Thing that 83% of All Businesses Miss…

But You Can Turn on the Magic Without Breaking Your Bank The name Disney is synonymous with a super successful happy place. Guests speak of them in superlatives. Families with kids, teens, couples, grandparents, and gaggles of friends. Guests all dream, plan and excitedly head off to their adventure. They queue at the gates, wander […]

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April 2, 2018
12 Tips to Improve Your Website

12 Tips to Improve Your Website Your website is often your first connection with a prospective new client. In today's world, it needs to engage them and get them to take the next step. They might sign up for your newsletter, or schedule an appointment or shop. There are some very important considerations to get […]

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