January 6, 2022
How You Can Use Newsletters to Energize More Business Growth

Newsletters, especially with SEO elements, are a core part of your growth marketing strategy.  Done right with engaging, relevant content, they are something your clients will look forward to getting, opening, and clicking.  They turn new readers into fans and build retention with existing customers. The secret is having the right content for the right […]

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November 12, 2021
Watch for Missing Prospect Details that Tank Marketing Success

In today’s business environment, everything needs to be customer-focused. If you have gaps in your prospect details, it holds back your success. It doesn’t matter whether you are dealing with B2B or B2C, you are dealing with a human who is making the buying decision.  You need to have a clear picture of who that […]

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April 29, 2020
Do Good...Drive Traffic

It’s really true. When you do good, it has rewards.  Right now, offering something good,  something helpful can get increased traffic. It can also strengthen your bond with prospects and existing clients. About a week ago a friend sent me a marketing email with a "Do Good" headline similar to that and it really made […]

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May 10, 2017
Marketing Graphic to help you strategize

Marketing Graphics to Strategize This useful article recently came across my desk.  The marketing graphic they developed is interesting. It's useful to analyze your marketing strategy.  Hope you find it so. Internet Marketing Lead Generation  Whether you’re building a house or a lead generation website, having a blueprint is essential. Without one, you run the […]

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