November 12, 2018
How profitable are you

How Profitable are You? P = S-E Profit is the secret of business success. Work the formula and you'll have amazing profits. Ignore it and your business can go under quicker than you ever imagined. It's a simple formula - one I can't take credit for. But I've seen it in action over and over […]

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October 4, 2018
P= S-E to Improve Profitability

P= S-E for Improved Profitability   This formula is all about your business success because it focuses on profitability. Work the formula and you’ll have amazing profits. Ignore it and your business can go under quicker than you ever imagined. It’s a simple formula – one I can’t take credit for. But I’ve seen it […]

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April 6, 2018
Marketing techniques to enhance your ROI

Marketing: Create, Track, Rebook, Repeat By Judith Culp Pearson At some point in your business, you realize it needs more promoting. You need to expand your customer base. Grow your revenues. Be able to cover anticipated increases in overhead like rent. You need to do some marketing. You've worked hard at collecting client emails. You've […]

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