January 15, 2021
Customer Service Value Statistics

In a recent article, I shared the importance of customer relationships for 2021. We’re in a world where the competition is fierce. You probably have competitors who have offers similar to yours.  Your key differentiator is likely how you bond with customers. How you take care of them. It’s core to your survival. If you’re […]

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January 11, 2021
Score with Videos for 2021

Video, because it’s visual, connects deeper emotionally, increases sales, and builds trust in your brand. It adds a dimension beyond what an image can generate. It can be the “face” of your business. People don’t connect with brands as deeply as they do faces...people.  Blind men and the elephant There’s an old parable about a […]

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December 18, 2020
One Simple Trick for Copy to Boost Sales

Readable copy is a big key to sales!  People today don’t want to wade through information that reads like a dull textbook.  Most of us skim-read, instead of word for word. We are such multitaskers and so many choices that we aren’t patient with reading.  Recently, I received an email promoting a new product from […]

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October 3, 2020
Curated Content Drives SEO

Creating valuable content is a great way to enhance your readership and the way search engines rank you.  However if you’re doing it all yourself, it can be overwhelming to get volume out there. Curated content allows you to get more volume out there and make search engines happy.   In my copywriting marketing, I meet […]

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September 25, 2020
Keep Your Customers Delighted

Keeping your customers delighted, engaged, and even raving about you is easier than you think. I have a dear colleague who can get a bit of snark on. She has a great sense of humor so I enjoy her candor and the snark.   Recently Heather wrote about Peloton.  I only knew the name casually in […]

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