June 17, 2020
Increase Email Opens by 300%

Your subject line determines the fate of your email. You only have seconds for your reader to decide. This system used by marketers in the know can raise your open rates by 300%. If your email inboxes look anything like mine there can be 30-100 new emails each one waiting for attention. It’s enough to […]

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March 24, 2020
5 Ways to Retain Customers

It’s not a secret that retaining customers is a good thing.  It can cost up to 25x more to get a new customer than to keep an existing one. So why do you think more companies don’t do it? I think it’s mostly habit. They’re stuck in a hamster wheel.  Patterns and habits, once set, […]

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January 21, 2020
CBD Education = Sales

CBD and cannabis have experienced such explosive growth customers feel confused and hesitant. We can help them have the confidence to place orders with quality CBD education. But to get results, it needs to be done right. I remember when I first encountered CBD.  I was wary and concerned.  Oregon was the first state to […]

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