March 3, 2020
Appreciate Customers to keep them

Five Ways to Appreciate Customers With so many companies selling similar CBD products, the way you treat customers may be the reason they chose and stay with you.  When you acknowledge, reward and appreciate customers at every opportunity, you build a relationship that keeps them returning. How do businesses leave you feeling? A colleague and […]

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February 18, 2020
CBD Case Studies - Marketing Magic

Follow these 5 keys to maximizing results … CBD case studies or success stories can be pure marketing magic. But, like any other copy, they need to be done correctly if you want results for your investment. Keep these five keys in mind to maximize their impact.  Our brains are hardwired to love stories.  It’s […]

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February 3, 2020
Formula: Skincare, Cooking, & CBD have this in common

Skincare, cooking, and CBD may not seem to have much in common.  But it’s there.  If you focus on the commonality, the formulation, it will simplify your marketing efforts. Over my years in the skincare field, I’ve seen lots of new products come to market.  Some were fabulous, some fell flat.  Many tried to focus […]

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January 28, 2020
Planning CBD Marketing? 3 Techniques for $$$

While marketing CBD is fraught with restrictions, there are some methods to get the word out there effectively.  Success requires careful planning for your CBD marketing. Following these three proven techniques will get you on the path. Before I share these techniques, I want to share a quick story about someone I know. The man […]

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January 21, 2020
CBD Education = Sales

CBD and cannabis have experienced such explosive growth customers feel confused and hesitant. We can help them have the confidence to place orders with quality CBD education. But to get results, it needs to be done right. I remember when I first encountered CBD.  I was wary and concerned.  Oregon was the first state to […]

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January 13, 2020
FDA/FTC "Yellow & Red flag" Words

Marketing in the CBD/alternative health niche can be like wading into the ocean without paying attention to the cautionary flags. You need to know what those flags represent and follow them to avoid riptides, a shark encounter or worse. If you avoid these FDA and FTC trigger words your business will grow faster and you […]

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