March 5, 2024
Please Help Carol Get the Medical Supplies that Keep Her Alive

Hey Family and Friends, I'm reaching out because I really need your help for my sister, Carol. Whether you call her Carol, Mom, Grandma, Mama T, or Mama C, she could use your help. Last summer, she was diagnosed with something called mucosal melanoma. It's a rare and aggressive cancer that most people wouldn't know […]

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November 21, 2023
Bing, Bard, or ChatGPT: Which 1 Makes the Best AI Assistant?

The best way to find your favorite AI assistant is to try them out, and as they evolve, your choice may change, too.  I thought I had found my favorite bot assistant with Microsoft Bing. Why? It can answer real-time questions because it is tied to the Microsoft search engine.  If you ask them what […]

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May 24, 2023
Amaze Your Clients! Unlock More Done and Triple SEO Rankings Try INK.AI

Hope you enjoy this review. It's the first of my new weekly reviews on AI tools. I'm your new AI Detective to help you find the right tools faster. As a copywriter, content writer, small business owner, or marketer, you know that time is money. And when it comes to writing, time is of the […]

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March 30, 2020
Content Marketing to Connect During a Crisis

It’s no secret we’re in trying times and uncharted waters. And businesses are trying to figure out how to survive. Only a few people alive today that went through the Flu Pandemic of 1918. It killed millions. The good news is medicine and communication systems have come a long way. The first antiviral drug was […]

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March 24, 2020
5 Ways to Retain Customers

It’s not a secret that retaining customers is a good thing.  It can cost up to 25x more to get a new customer than to keep an existing one. So why do you think more companies don’t do it? I think it’s mostly habit. They’re stuck in a hamster wheel.  Patterns and habits, once set, […]

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March 16, 2020
2 Billion Reasons to get Mobile Friendly Now!

On cyber Monday, 2019 over 50% of all sales were made on a smartphone…They topped $2,000,000,000!  And the percentages held throughout the entire week.  What might that mean for your alternative health or CBD business? If you don’t want your business to be left in the dust, it’s important to get mobile-friendly now.  There are […]

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March 10, 2020
Easy, Useful, & Friendly = Happier Customers

How easy, useful, & friendly is your website? Your article? Your social media post? Each one of these is a touchpoint with customers and prospects.  If you tweak for these three components you’ll grow faster and keep customers coming back. I recently had a client who requested additional content for their website.  So I could […]

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March 3, 2020
Appreciate Customers to keep them

Five Ways to Appreciate Customers With so many companies selling similar CBD products, the way you treat customers may be the reason they chose and stay with you.  When you acknowledge, reward and appreciate customers at every opportunity, you build a relationship that keeps them returning. How do businesses leave you feeling? A colleague and […]

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February 24, 2020
Build CBD Sales with Automated Email

Automated emails help you turn a prospect into a customer.  Why? Because you can’t build a relationship in one step. It takes a series of connections to change a casual encounter or connection into a relationship. Remember the last time you were at an event and met a lot of people? How many of them […]

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January 21, 2020
CBD Education = Sales

CBD and cannabis have experienced such explosive growth customers feel confused and hesitant. We can help them have the confidence to place orders with quality CBD education. But to get results, it needs to be done right. I remember when I first encountered CBD.  I was wary and concerned.  Oregon was the first state to […]

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