May 24, 2023
Amaze Your Clients! Unlock More Done and Triple SEO Rankings Try INK.AI

Hope you enjoy this review. It's the first of my new weekly reviews on AI tools. I'm your new AI Detective to help you find the right tools faster. As a copywriter, content writer, small business owner, or marketer, you know that time is money. And when it comes to writing, time is of the […]

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February 24, 2023
Attract More Wellness Marketing Success With These 7 Tips

Whether launching or building a wellness-focused business, marketing should be one of the first things on your agenda. It’s where you engage with potential customers and build relationships. From crafting a powerful message and leveraging social media to creating an SEO-friendly website, these seven steps will help you define your goals, offers, and the right […]

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January 6, 2022
How You Can Use Newsletters to Energize More Business Growth

Newsletters, especially with SEO elements, are a core part of your growth marketing strategy.  Done right with engaging, relevant content, they are something your clients will look forward to getting, opening, and clicking.  They turn new readers into fans and build retention with existing customers. The secret is having the right content for the right […]

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July 6, 2020
Key RAS Triggers Drive Sales - Including CBD

The RAS or reticular activating system in the brain alerts or arouses us. When selling something, tapping into and activating the RAS system is a key way to trigger sales. Think back to your last car purchase… I’ll not quickly forget mine. My 20-year-old car was starting to have reliability issues. While still okay as a […]

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April 21, 2020
Building Trust is Essential...

Building trust is an essential part of the buying process. With people staying home, more and more we are dependent on online shopping. We’re dependent on information that we hope is accurate, honest, and transparent.  Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Right now there are scammers on every corner anxious to make a sale.  Building […]

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April 13, 2020
Delight and Amaze Customers With Newsletter Success Stories

Newsletters are a great way to bond with customers. They are a friendly, casual way to stay in touch. There are a lot of different formats. But there is one thing they must do to be successful. Newsletters must get the reader's attention… I’ll never forget the two teachers I had in a shared-time experimental […]

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March 10, 2020
Easy, Useful, & Friendly = Happier Customers

How easy, useful, & friendly is your website? Your article? Your social media post? Each one of these is a touchpoint with customers and prospects.  If you tweak for these three components you’ll grow faster and keep customers coming back. I recently had a client who requested additional content for their website.  So I could […]

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February 18, 2020
CBD Case Studies - Marketing Magic

Follow these 5 keys to maximizing results … CBD case studies or success stories can be pure marketing magic. But, like any other copy, they need to be done correctly if you want results for your investment. Keep these five keys in mind to maximize their impact.  Our brains are hardwired to love stories.  It’s […]

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February 3, 2020
Formula: Skincare, Cooking, & CBD have this in common

Skincare, cooking, and CBD may not seem to have much in common.  But it’s there.  If you focus on the commonality, the formulation, it will simplify your marketing efforts. Over my years in the skincare field, I’ve seen lots of new products come to market.  Some were fabulous, some fell flat.  Many tried to focus […]

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January 28, 2020
Planning CBD Marketing? 3 Techniques for $$$

While marketing CBD is fraught with restrictions, there are some methods to get the word out there effectively.  Success requires careful planning for your CBD marketing. Following these three proven techniques will get you on the path. Before I share these techniques, I want to share a quick story about someone I know. The man […]

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