January 28, 2020
Planning CBD Marketing? 3 Techniques for $$$

While marketing CBD is fraught with restrictions, there are some methods to get the word out there effectively.  Success requires careful planning for your CBD marketing. Following these three proven techniques will get you on the path. Before I share these techniques, I want to share a quick story about someone I know. The man […]

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January 6, 2020
Women, Beauty, and CBD

Over the decades, women have tried a lot of “new” ingredients to make their skin look and feel better.  Hemp-derived products are just the latest in this group. In 2019 CBD was the most popular ingredient in the beauty sector. It’s a huge market. In the US in 2018 skincare topped $5.6 billion in sales. […]

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December 31, 2019
B2B and B2C Managing the Puzzle

Many CBD companies operate both as B2B and B2C. Sometimes they also grow the product. This makes business operations more complex.  In essence, you are running multiple companies. Each one needs its own unique presentation. Each business segment needs its own web presence, promotion, and marketing. But supply chains interlink. Coordinate divisions for a smooth […]

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December 16, 2019
Customer Experience - CBD Competitive Edge

Managing all the parts in a fast-growing business like CBD can be a real challenge. Focusing on your CX – Customer Experience can be your competitive differentiator.  Why? Less than half of all businesses deliver a good or better customer experience. If you focus on CX, you’ll have happier, more loyal customers and faster growth. […]

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November 25, 2019
Emotional Triggers Access Women's Sales Gateway

Women buyers stand at the gateway to sales for all those within their scope of influence.  To access the gate you need to tap into their emotional buying mindset. She needs to feel “this company gets me.” When you use these 10 triggers, she is more likely to purchase for herself, those she buys for […]

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October 21, 2019
Women’s 3 Unique Buying Mindsets

Want to increase your sales? Focus on Buying Mindsets... Not all women like to shop the same.  Some embrace it like a lover while others avoid it with a passion. But if you tap into how they shop, you’ll make more sales. My girlfriends used to drive me nuts wandering for hours checking every buying […]

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October 8, 2019
Ageism...kills trust in marketing

Ageism is defined as age-based segmentation/discrimination. It refers to prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person's age.  It used to refer to the elderly. But today, the term has come to mean any age-specific group used for targeting or…avoiding. World Health Organization (WHO) The WHO has a lot to share about ageism and […]

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September 23, 2019
Contact Information can Make or Break Your Growth

Whether it’s your website or a presence on social media, viewers are wanting to see if you have the solution they need. They also want to learn about you.  They want to make sure you’re a “real” business and safe to buy from.  One of the first things people look for is your contact information. […]

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September 4, 2019
SWOT for CBD Marketing Success

SWOT is a great way to see how you stand up against your CBD competition. It’s a tool that everyone should use to make sure they are staying at the top of their game. You may be familiar with the tool, but in case you’re not let’s do a quick overview.  The first part of […]

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August 26, 2019
Transparency = Trust = Customer Loyalty

In the world of marketing CBD or any other product, there are two distinct pathways...hype and gimmickry or transparency. You can find effective examples of both methods all over the field of Alternative Health.  Choose Transparency If you are looking for long-term customers instead of constantly needing to replace them,  the transparency path is the […]

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