July 30, 2020
Dopamine Rush...Silver Bullet to Sales

The motivator response in our brain triggers us to take action and rewards us with a dopamine rush. It's a surge of good feelings following a pleasant experience. It's as old as man himself.   A key part of survival, the primal brain includes a series of triggers that make us take action. When we take […]

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February 24, 2020
Build CBD Sales with Automated Email

Automated emails help you turn a prospect into a customer.  Why? Because you can’t build a relationship in one step. It takes a series of connections to change a casual encounter or connection into a relationship. Remember the last time you were at an event and met a lot of people? How many of them […]

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February 18, 2020
CBD Case Studies - Marketing Magic

Follow these 5 keys to maximizing results … CBD case studies or success stories can be pure marketing magic. But, like any other copy, they need to be done correctly if you want results for your investment. Keep these five keys in mind to maximize their impact.  Our brains are hardwired to love stories.  It’s […]

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